Posted #withregram • @mrcsheffield As part of the @indiebeerfeast Festival Trail weekend, MRC Sheffield will be hosting our 1st ‘club run’ back @hophideout 👏 Its’s only been 9 months!!! We’ve kept going through our virtual solo runs and then small group activity up at Norfolk Park monthly, so this feels like a big milestone to be BACK.
This 5km fun run will start at #HopHideout 11am set-off, then head along the canal to our friends @beerofsmod where we can rest for a beer and/or water then head back for more of the same. Face coverings recommended indoors at the venues. Hand sanitiser, free water also provided at venues as required. If you’d like to join us, please let us know by direct message in advance so we can manage the group effectively. New runners always welcome. 🎉